Friday, February 09, 2007

New WJEA Blog unveiled -- and at your service!

Welcome to the new incarnation of the WJEA Blog, designed to serve the student journalists and scholastic journalism advisers of Washington state!

If you've been to this site before, some of the changes you'll notice right away, such as a redesign of the site. But other changes will be more subtle. For example, we're going to use this space to pass along information more frequently, hoping you'll check in a couple of times a week to catch up on the world of scholastic journalism. We'll post information that we believe will be useful to you, and give you a take on what it might mean for you.

We've added a number of features to the site to serve you better:
  • If you look down the right-hand side of the site, you'll see a statement of purpose and some information on how all readers of the blog can contribute.
  • Beneath that, you'll see some useful links -- headlined by a link to -- to many of the organizations that support scholastic journalism.
  • Next, you'll find a series of links dedicated to information on House Bill 1307, the proposed legislation that, if passed, would prohibit school administrators from censoring student media except in certain instances of unprotected speech.
  • After that, you'll find a series of links provided by RSS feeds from the Poynter Institute on a variety of journalism-related topics. If you're not familiar with Poynter, get familiar -- they do awesome stuff that is extremely useful, from high school journalists on up to professionals.
  • Lastly, you'll find a list of "labels" that will help you get to posts that interest you quickly and easily. For example, if you're looking for all the posts related to House Bill 1307, you would just click on that label, and it will search for all the posts with that label. And beneath that is the archive.
With that said, your first two posts are below -- one an update on the status of House Bill 1307, and the other a look at many of the scholarships that are out there for student journalists.

I hope you enjoy -- and, as usual, feedback is welcome!

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